>School Bond Endorsed (Ron Bonfiglio)

>“I have been a part Greenville Schools for many years in different roles. I have been a parent, grandparent, and Board of Education member. As a parent and grandparent, I always wanted to make sure I knew what was going on in the schools. As a Board member, I felt it was my duty to let the public know what school business was taking place. Receiving and understanding information is important especially when decisions involving children are involved.

As a member of the Bond Issue Committee, I feel like we have done everything possible to make sure the citizens of this school district have received all the information necessary to make an educated decision on February 2nd. School Treasurer, Carla Surber, has worked with County Auditor, Carol Ginn, to make sure all of the tax calculations in the information that has been handed out is correct. I have checked it also. The combined tax millage of 2.9 mills for the middle school building and the required maintenance millage of .5 mills will cost the owner of a $100,000 home $118 at the most. For me as a senior citizen, with the Homestead Exemption figured in it will be even less.

I fully support the Bond Issue because I support our children, our schools, and our community.”

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